Database Workbench v5 - Change Log
Released 2017-04-18
0001500: [General] Execute Stored Procedure parameter history truncates large character-based input values (Martijn Tonies) 0000946: [General] Filtering data in case sensitive meta data column names fails in Table/View Editor (Martijn Tonies) 0001139: [Firebird Module] Syntax check shows false negative for unused variable in stored procedure (Martijn Tonies) 0001281: [Firebird Module] debugger does not understand datevariable='TODAY' (Martijn Tonies) 0001407: [Printing] Report Writer: create custom reports (Martijn Tonies) 0001427: [PostgreSQL Module] Support SSL connections (Martijn Tonies) 0001428: [PostgreSQL Module] Support SSH tunnel connections (Martijn Tonies) 0001448: [Diagramming] Issue with Firebird and InterBase COLLATE clause when using default charset for columns (Martijn Tonies) 0001450: [Diagramming] Using "Create Link Table" fails to add new table to list of tables (Martijn Tonies) 0001451: [Diagramming] Add "Refresh" to Check Model window so re-validation is possible without closing window (Martijn Tonies) 0001452: [Diagramming] Add ability to reset character set/collation for all tables in Model Options window (Martijn Tonies) 0001459: [Firebird Module] Debugging EXECUTE STATEMENT on external data source doesn't use external server (Martijn Tonies) 0001462: [Diagramming] Header font color not properly saved (Martijn Tonies) 0001463: [General] SQL history in SQL Editor shouldn't add item when statement can't be executed (eg because of typos) (Martijn Tonies) 0001464: [Oracle Module] Ability to choose between using SID and 'service name' when connecting to Oracle (Martijn Tonies) 0001467: [Sybase SQL Anywhere Module] Using 'step out' during stored routine debugging fails with 'method not found' error (Martijn Tonies) 0001468: [PostgreSQL Module] Using 'unique identifier' data type in Table Editor fails (Martijn Tonies) 0001472: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Sequence current value cannot be changed (Martijn Tonies) 0001474: [Data Import & Export] CSV import, in specific case, no column names in drop down list (Martijn Tonies) 0001483: [Firebird Module] Fb 3: support for database users instead of server users (Martijn Tonies) 0001028: [MySQL Module] Allow the use of binary data in the debugger, useful for UUIDs (Martijn Tonies) 0001438: [General] Blob Editor Tabs can't be changed - "As Image" Tab is always selected (Martijn Tonies) 0001453: [Visual Query Builder] Create setting for Visual Query Builder to ignore stored routines (can take long in Firebird/InterBase) (Martijn Tonies) 0001465: [General] Debugging a StoredProcedure: Modify Parameters and Variables: List jumps after modify always to the top (Martijn Tonies) 0001469: [General] Using grants on new table (not yet saved) fails with invalid SQL or permissions cleared when modifying name (Martijn Tonies) 0001470: [Firebird Module] Fb 3: Full support for Packages, local sub-routines and other Firebird 3 features in debugging (Martijn Tonies) 0001471: [SQL & Parameter Insight] PostgreSQL: abstract error on SQL Insight for function (Martijn Tonies) 0001473: [Firebird Module] Fb 3: extracting SEQUENCE DDL can include current value as 'start with' value (Martijn Tonies) 0001476: [Data Pump & Compare] Add timestamp to progress in DataPump (Martijn Tonies) 0001477: [General] Some HighDPI issues (Martijn Tonies) 0001478: [General] Hint which shows titel of SQL catalog items when hovering over (Martijn Tonies) 0001481: [Firebird Module] Assertion error on some indices in Plan Analysis (Martijn Tonies) 0001482: [InterBase Module] Assertion error on some indices in Plan Analysis (Martijn Tonies) 0001484: [PostgreSQL Module] Support for servers without access to 'postgres' database (Martijn Tonies) 0001485: [PostgreSQL Module] Create a Stored Routine debugger (Martijn Tonies) 0000994: [Visual Query Builder] Ability to generate SQL without schema names (Martijn Tonies) 0001161: [General] Cancel on SQL Editor when closing a SP debugging window closes debugger anyway (Martijn Tonies) 0001336: [Sybase SQL Anywhere Module] Add "default" column to Procedure/Function Editor (Martijn Tonies) 0001356: [General] It should be easier to close the Welcome Page (Martijn Tonies) 0001439: [Data Import & Export] XLSX export crash when logged in Windows user has Domain named, or a '.' in its name (Martijn Tonies) 0001455: [Visual Query Builder] Invalid SELECT statement. Unexpected token "(" with specific Firebird query (Martijn Tonies) 0001486: [Sybase SQL Anywhere Module] Executing Stored Function could fail (Martijn Tonies) 0001488: [Data Import & Export] Export data to Lotus 1-2-3 file fails when string data is involved (Martijn Tonies) 0001360: [Data Pump & Compare] Tab order is wrong in "Database Migration Wizard" and "Database Compare Wizard" (Martijn Tonies)
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