0002218: [Diagramming] MySQL: In the foreign key properties of a physical model, 'constraint' selection possibly not properly displayed (Martijn Tonies)
0002223: [Meta Data Compare & Migration] Migrating to SQLite with 'autoincrement' should raise warning if not primary key (Martijn Tonies)
0002222: [Meta Data Compare & Migration] Several data types (like "smallint") not mapped in SQLite (Martijn Tonies)
0002219: [SQLite Module] Prompt to register a database after registering a SQLite library (Martijn Tonies)
0002224: [MySQL Module] Do not set auto-increment value during DDL Extract if "Sequences - set to current value" is unchecked (Martijn Tonies)
0002225: [Printing] Meta data print of table results in "IsPrimaryKeyColumn"-error (Martijn Tonies)
0002221: [SQLite Module] Creating auto-increment fails because of syntax error (Martijn Tonies)
0002220: [Meta Data Compare & Migration] Migrator does not use primary key default naming, despite option being selected (Martijn Tonies)
0002215: [General] Access violation when clicking "SQL" button when starting debugging of trigger (Martijn Tonies)
0002214: [General] Refreshing meta data info from database can cause Access Violation in specific situation (Martijn Tonies)
0002197: [Firebird Module] Support for Firebird 5 (Martijn Tonies)
0002212: [PostgreSQL Module] Error while loading Stored Procedures/Functions with specific defaults for parameters (Martijn Tonies)
0002211: [General] Possible access violation on using filter in DB Navigator (Martijn Tonies)
0002198: [MySQL Module] MyQL 8.3 support (Martijn Tonies)
0002196: [PostgreSQL Module] Support for PostgreSQL 16.0 & 16.1 & 16.2 (Martijn Tonies)
0001882: [Visual Query Builder] Ability to start Visual Query Builder without opening SQL or object editors (Martijn Tonies)
0000353: [General] Ability to "paste" images directly in the BLOB Editor (Martijn Tonies)
0002208: [Firebird Module] SQL Editor: "invalid database handle" when switching to statistics page without executing statement first (Martijn Tonies)
0002207: [MySQL Module] MariaDB 10.2 and up: meta data fetch for table columns is wrong, possible column copies (Martijn Tonies)
0002201: [General] Ability to have multi-line text items in data grids (Martijn Tonies)
0002202: [General] Executing stored procedure should automatically select previous parameter values from history (Martijn Tonies)
0002206: [Visual Query Builder] Update to latest version of Active Query Builder component (Martijn Tonies)
0002203: [Data Pump & Compare] Don't expand all nodes when loading a project from file (Martijn Tonies)
0002205: [Installer] Included newer version of GNU Unifont and add Proggy-font (Martijn Tonies)
24 issues View Issues