View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002161Database Workbench v6Firebird Modulepublic2023-10-30 11:49
ReporterPål Lillejord Assigned ToMartijn Tonies  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0002161: Table editor, foreign key constraint name
Descriptionvariable %REFTAB% expand not correct
Steps To ReproduceAdd foreign key constraint have %REFTAB% in name.
select referring columns, and refferred table
click list to expand name -> wrong constrain name
TagsNo tags attached.


Martijn Tonies

2023-09-07 09:57

administrator   ~0000591

Cannot reproduce this. When I select the "referred table", it expands correctly.

Can you give more info or step by step screenshots?

Pål Lillejord

2023-09-23 13:02

reporter   ~0000594

I have 2 licenses, i tested it now again on 6.3.0 Enteprice and i worked just fine.
I will test the othe again on the other and let you know.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-09-06 10:15 Pål Lillejord New Issue
2023-09-07 09:57 Martijn Tonies Assigned To => Martijn Tonies
2023-09-07 09:57 Martijn Tonies Status new => feedback
2023-09-07 09:57 Martijn Tonies Note Added: 0000591
2023-09-23 13:02 Pål Lillejord Note Added: 0000594
2023-09-23 13:02 Pål Lillejord Status feedback => assigned
2023-10-30 11:49 Martijn Tonies Status assigned => closed
2023-10-30 11:49 Martijn Tonies Resolution open => unable to reproduce