0001689: [General] Problems with the SQL editor in Word Wrap mode (Martijn Tonies)
0001817: [Firebird Module] Sequence Editor cannot be used to set current value value in Firebird 3 (Martijn Tonies)
0001818: [General] Cannot drop database from within Database Navigator "database in use" error (Martijn Tonies)
0001820: [General] Add 'close all but this' for the task bar at the bottom (Martijn Tonies)
0001830: [Firebird Module] Selecting Numeric Domain in Table Editor might display with 0 scale (Martijn Tonies)
0001831: [InterBase Module] Selecting Numeric Domain in Table Editor might display with 0 scale (Martijn Tonies)
0001833: [General] Possible access violations when creating new trigger/function/procedure for modules with pre-save syntax check (Martijn Tonies)
0001834: [ADO/ODBC Explorer] Issue with ODBC and specific drivers related to password (Martijn Tonies)
8 issues View Issues