Database Workbench v5 - Change Log
Released 2019-09-04
0001699: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Ability to specify scale on TIME data type (Martijn Tonies) 0001701: [General] Doubleclicking Workspace objects on multi-schema connections sometimes wouldn't open object (Martijn Tonies) 0001702: [PostgreSQL Module] Adding database objects to Workspace can fail due to owner name being different from schema name (Martijn Tonies) 0001703: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] DateTime2-datatype precision not loaded correctly from meta data views (Martijn Tonies) 0001704: [InterBase Module] Catching GDS codes in stored routine debugger fails (Martijn Tonies) 0001709: [General] Assertion error in uDBW_Config when trying to open SQL Editor with specific settings (Martijn Tonies) 0001710: [Firebird Module] Catching GDS codes in stored routine debugger fails (Martijn Tonies) 0001711: [General] Specific issue with exception handlers that don't catch exception in debugger for Firebird & InterBase (Martijn Tonies)
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