View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000062Database Workbench v4Oracle Modulepublic2011-12-12 13:45
ReporterMartijn Tonies Assigned ToMartijn Tonies  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000062: Create Type Editor that allows to add/drop/modify methods and attributes even on types in use
DescriptionCreate Type Editor that allows to add/drop/modify methods and attributes even on types in use.

This can be done by creating a GUI with all attributes and methods listed instead of having a source code editor.
TagsNo tags attached.
DBMS & Version


related to 0000002 closedMartijn Tonies CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE fails on invalid types 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-08-02 10:49 Martijn Tonies New Issue
2011-08-02 10:51 Martijn Tonies Status new => acknowledged
2011-11-02 10:45 Martijn Tonies Relationship added related to 0000002
2011-11-03 15:53 Martijn Tonies Assigned To => Martijn Tonies
2011-11-03 15:53 Martijn Tonies Status acknowledged => assigned
2011-11-30 10:13 Martijn Tonies Status assigned => resolved
2011-11-30 10:13 Martijn Tonies Fixed in Version => 4.2.0
2011-11-30 10:13 Martijn Tonies Resolution open => fixed
2011-11-30 10:14 Martijn Tonies Severity tweak => feature
2011-12-12 13:45 Martijn Tonies Status resolved => closed