0000489: [General] Upgrade included Firebird Embedded Engine to V2.5.2 (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000491: [General] Charting in active trace session isn't purged like parsed trace data, thus prevents FBTM from running 24x7 (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000495: [General] Random AV when closing an established database connection tab (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000496: [General] Random AV when closing an established server attachment tab (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000514: [General] Support for parsed Detailed Statistics in trace data (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000515: [General] Minor memory leak in internal structures in the per-database monitoring area (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000516: [General] Support for parsed sweep transaction counters in trace data (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000517: [General] Visualize percentage columns in various data grids with an additional progress/percentage bar (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000524: [General] Database Statistics: Add percentage of table and index size related to database size (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000525: [General] Add ability to view parsed trace column data in a separate modal dialog (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000527: [General] Support for parsed Bind Variables in trace data (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000540: [General] Add On-The-Fly "Statement Hotspot" view per active trace session (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000541: [General] Re-arrange Registered Projects and Trace Session List areas to the upper client area (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000542: [General] Database Statistics: Make index statistic detection dependent on a configurable number of nodes (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000543: [General] Add SEVERITY information/column in Header Page and Database Statistics Monitoring (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000544: [General] Database Statistics: Make table statistic detection dependent on a configurable number of records (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000545: [General] Apply index statistics problem detection on live index metadata columns doesn't make sense when loading from file (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000547: [General] AV when loading header page gstat output only from file in Database Statistics (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000548: [General] Database Statistics: Minor glitch that Index Management is enabled where it shouldn't (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000563: [General] Improve parser throughput (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000566: [General] Random AV and/or lockups when closing a trace session tab while it's in the middle of processing trace data (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000567: [General] Improve visualization throughput (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000568: [General] "Paused" / "Dismissed when paused" option per visualization is now a global setting per trace tab (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000569: [General] Add "Skipped Events" in Statistics tab of a trace session tab (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000571: [General] Custom Trace Configuration Template storage (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000572: [General] Disabled Trace Vizualisation mode, which results in a very light-weight trace processing with Hotspots data only (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000573: [General] Remove Chart Trace Visualization as it doesn't provide any additional value (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000585: [General] Support for Firebird Embedded as Traceable Server (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000586: [General] AV when Firebird server can't start a trace session due to missing trace plugins (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000587: [General] Random AV when duplicating a project with a server as target with no registered databases (Thomas Steinmaurer)
30 issues View Issues