0001432: [PostgreSQL Module] Setting column to "not null" for existing table, replace NULLs with value can fail (Martijn Tonies)
0001415: [Meta Data Compare & Migration] Database Workbench Access violation in Database Compare function (Martijn Tonies)
0001416: [Firebird Module] Support Boolean data type when migrating to Firebird 3 and up (Martijn Tonies)
0001417: [General] When executing an invalid non-threaded query in SQL Editor, that window can't be used anymore (Martijn Tonies)
0001418: [PostgreSQL Module] Domain, Enum Type & Composite types with delimited name result in invalid SQL when used as data type (Martijn Tonies)
0001420: [PostgreSQL Module] Ability to use custom data types like "citext" (Martijn Tonies)
0001419: [PostgreSQL Module] Stored Functions are created without schema name, always end up in the default schema (Martijn Tonies)
0001421: [PostgreSQL Module] Modifying a stored function signature for function with a description resulted in incorrect COMMENT ON statement (Martijn Tonies)
0001423: [General] The "More DML" options in DB Navigator don't use fully qualified table names, fail outside default schema (Martijn Tonies)
0001424: [PostgreSQL Module] When extracting DDL, not all objects honored the "don't include schema" option (Martijn Tonies)
0001425: [PostgreSQL Module] Using "refresh list" in the DB Navigator on Indices raises an error (Martijn Tonies)
0001426: [PostgreSQL Module] Constraints with columns that are later renamed in the table, raise an error when displaying meta data (Martijn Tonies)
0001429: [PostgreSQL Module] Misc small issues (Martijn Tonies)
0001430: [Meta Data Compare & Migration] Migrating from PostgreSQL to other systems will result in errors with Serial-based columns (Martijn Tonies)
14 issues View Issues