0000456: [General] Description in Project Wizard (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000457: [General] Description in Server Wizard (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000458: [General] Description in Server Database Wizard (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000453: [General] Add raw output fragment in parsed trace data (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000454: [General] Add calculated attribute "Cache Hit Ratio [%]" in parsed trace data (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000455: [General] Millisecond part of trace event timestamp isn't persisted in FBTM database (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000459: [General] Persist description per trace session with project description as default (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000460: [General] New "Prompt Description" trace project configuration option to temporarily define a different trace session description (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000461: [General] Check boxes in project list grid are clickable where they shouldn't (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000462: [Event Processing] Support for server-based event rules, which fire for each project (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000463: [General] Millisecond part of trace event timestamp isn't displayed in parsed trace data grid (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000465: [General] Confirmation dialog to create a new trace project upon attaching to a server with no registered trace project (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000466: [General] Explicitly disallow Trace API attachments to Firebird 2.5.1, due to Firebird tracker CORE-3636 (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000467: [General] Treat non-existing parsed trace data measures as an empty instead of 0 (e.g. execution time) (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000468: [General] Dismiss empty values in trace data grid from being evaluated when calculating a grid footer aggregate function (Thomas Steinmaurer)
0000469: [General] Changed "Trace" and "Audit" as trace type to "User Trace" and "System Audit" in trace session list (Thomas Steinmaurer)
16 issues View Issues