0001241: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Support "shared memory" protocol and ability to detect local pipe names (Martijn Tonies)
0001242: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Access Violation on creating new Login (Martijn Tonies)
0001243: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Grants not in DDL (tab) for Login or Server Role (Martijn Tonies)
0001244: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Modifying a Server Role doesn't do anything (Martijn Tonies)
0001245: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Basic support SQL Azure (Martijn Tonies)
0001246: [General] Misc small improvements (Martijn Tonies)
0001247: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] In specific cases, a CREATE VIEW statement in Script aborts the script (Martijn Tonies)
0001248: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Meta data extract can fail on certain Foreign Keys and Triggers (Martijn Tonies)
0001249: [Firebird Module] Data editing for DECIMAL fields fails updating underlying table in specific circumstances (Martijn Tonies)
0001250: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] System complex types not handled properly in Table Editor when "sys" schema filtered out (Martijn Tonies)
0001251: [Oracle Module] Type Editor doesn't display correct precision on NUMBER typed attributes (Martijn Tonies)
0001252: [Data Import & Export] Export to XLSX files exports dates wrong, differs 2 days (Martijn Tonies)
0001253: [Oracle Module] Type Editor: attribute data types missed last Object Type (Martijn Tonies)
0001255: [General] Visual/misc errors in grid of SQL Editor after running a faulty SQL statement (Martijn Tonies)
0001256: [Microsoft SQL Server Module] Support for Table Types (Martijn Tonies)
15 issues View Issues